How to add Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask with minimal effort is a must to unleash the full potential of both MetaMask and BSC.

Understanding both MetaMask and BSC and their importance in the crypto environment. The importance of using your wallet in decentralized platforms.

You'll notice straight away that by default, MetaMask comes with support for Ethereum blockchain only.

In order to use Binance Smart Chain mainnet, you need to manually add it to MetaMask.

Luckily, connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) shouldn't take much time, but there are still some vital things you must know about both MetaMask and BC before proceeding.

Pro Tip: Wallets are your go-to passport to manage all different crypto networks out there. For instance, your Binance Wallet Address acts like the private key that allows you to receive BTC, BNB Tokens, and other cryptocurrencies efficiently.

MetaMask comes with support for

Ethereum blockchain only. In order to use Binance Smart Chain mainnet, you need to manually add it to MetaMask.

Step 1: Go To Network Settings in Metamask

Firstly, open MetaMask and select "Settings." If you are using a browser extension, simply click the right upper corner (where the circle is). If you are using a mobile app, click the 3- line icon in the upper left corner to access the menu - you will see there Settings.

Once you are inside the Settings Page, find and select "Networks" menu. This is where we will add new blockchain.

Step 2: Input Binance Smart Chain Mainnet Details

We are going to add two networks: the main and the test net. Click on "Add Network" and input these details:


Network Name: Binance Smart Chain

New RPC URL: https: //bsc

Chain ID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

Then repeat it by clicking "add Network" again, and fill this info to add testnet:


Network Name: Binance Smart Chain


New RPC URL: https://data-seed

Chain ID: 97

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

Chain ID: 97

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

Testnet allows you to test the operations you are about to make, while the Mainnet will enable you to properly connect Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask as soon as you can.

Step 3: Transfer Crypto on Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask Address

You can use Binance Smart Wallet, your Binance wallet with any cryptocurrency that is on BSC, or any other 3rd party wallet that supports Binance Smart Chain.

The option to Add Token" will show up on the screen.

For instance, if you want to transfer BNB, keep in mind that these tokens are driven by Smart Contracts.

Therefore, you need to paste the token's contract address and wait for the transaction to be included in a new block.

That's how you fund your wallet on this network!

Adding Binance Smart Chain to your MetaMask wallet is one of the best decisions you can make.